Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Pizzas that your kids can make!

I am a stay home mom, and my 'duties' include chauffeuring the kids around, preparing lunch, washing the dishes, putting the dirty laundry in the washing machine, preparing material for home-learning, supervising homework, arbitrating fights, keeping the house (relatively) clean... 

I have a little over two hours of 'me time' every weekday morning when they are in school. Besides trying to complete some of the things listed above, I fit in a BSF meeting (once a week) and gym sessions (once/twice a week).

As such, the lunches I prepare are usually one pot wonders. Meals must be fast to cook with minimal washing thereafter. Recently, I found something even better than one pot wonders... I outsourced the job of preparing lunch to my kids!

Ingredients for simple pizza base

For pizza base
A loaf of bread
Tomato paste
Mozzarella cheese

For pizza toppings
Minced meat
* Pick as many of the above as you like or replace with something that your kids like to eat

Before beginning, pre-heat oven to 190 degree Celsius.
1) Lay pieces of bread on a baking tray and spread a thin layer of tomato paste
2) Sprinkle a generous amount of Mozerella cheese on each slice of bread.
3) Top with your favorite ingredients.
4) Pop in the oven for 5 minutes.
5) Fill your tummies :)

Chefs hard at work

Other than cutting up the sausages into thin slices, the boys did everything else. They loved making their own lunch and eating it!


Do you have any simple recipes to share?

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