Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Greatest Thing About Having Kids Is...

Our family was involved in the filming of a TV commercial a couple of months back. A TVC to promote parenthood amongst Singaporeans. As we interacted with the crew, one of the questions posed to us is the title of this post. As I ponder... several things came to mind.

Deeper appreciation for my mom and dad
Having kids has certainly made me appreciate my own mom a lot more. I never knew how difficult being a mother was, until I became one. My mom and dad moved to Singapore to seek employment when they completed school. Their schooling years were difficult as my grandparents were not well to do. My mom shared that they did not even have money for textbooks, and relied on what was handed out by the welfare organisations. Very often, by the time they received their school books, half the school year had gone by. With little more than the clothes on their backs, and no immediate family support, they moved to Singapore and laboured to carve out a better life for themselves and in time, their children. I can only imagine how hard the initial years of bringing up me and my sisters were for them. But my mom and dad are resilient, and they soldiered on. They provided me with many opportunities when I was a child, and always gave me things that I needed and wanted. As a child, I didn't understand why they didn't like yummy stuff like fried chicken, fish balls  and strawberries, and always let me have the last piece. But now that I am a mom myself, I find myself doing the same for my kids. They are quick to dote on their grandchildren, but also give me the space I need to be the parent. They have never criticised the decisions I make for my kids, and never interfere when I discipline them. That to me, shows me how much they know and trust me. I treasure their wise counsel and am thankful for all the help I get from my mom and dad... with washing smelly bums and changing soiled diapers, making milk, mending uniforms, cutting fruits into bite sized pieces, tucking my boys in bed... Having kids has made me a better daughter for I now appreciate my parents so much more.

Deeper appreciation for my husband
The first month with a newborn was the most difficult. I struggled with breastfeeding, had difficulty deciphering what my baby's cries meant, and craved uninterrupted sleep. I still remember cradling a crying Nathan, sitting by his cot with tears flowing down my own cheeks. Dean walked into the room, put his arm around me, and said 'we can do this together'. We prayed and asked God to help us in our journey as parents and will always look to Him for wisdom and guidance in our parenting journey. It has been such a joy watching our boys grow day by day. Dean makes it a point to be involved in their daily lives despite his hectic work schedule. I struggled long and hard over deciding whether to quit my full time job to be a stay home mom. I worried about many things... Will we have enough money? Will this be long term? If I want to return to the workforce in future, can I still find a job? I do not have answers to these questions but jointly, we decided that in this season of our lives, it is best for me to stay home. He asked me not to worry about whether I can find a job in future. He encouraged me to quit and focus my energies on bringing up our boys. He is working hard to provide for our family, and I am thankful that I am able to be so involved in our boys' growing up years. Having kids has certainly drawn us closer together as a couple and made me a better wife.

Deeper appreciation for the simple things in life
Having Nathan and Noah has opened my eyes to the way kids view the world. I learnt to see beauty thru the eyes of a child, I learnt to delight in simple pleasures. Our home is filled with much joy and laughter. Our weekends are filled with fun and games. Our hearts are filled with love and hope.

So, the greatest thing about having kids? I can't put my finger on a single thing because it is so much more than that. Dean and I are blessed with two boys who have brought us much joy. True that there are adjustments to make, and heartaches along the way. But our lives have been enriched and made more complete ever since they joined our family.

Do you have children of your own? How would you answer the above question?

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy this post! Being a mum really do make one more appreciative of my mum. Everything I do and encounter with my kids, I think of how my mum went through while she raised us. And those days, without much help, they actually think it was easy to raise kids!
