Friday, April 5, 2013

Fishing at Bishan Park?

Did you know that there is a man-made mangrove swamp at Bishan Park? The water is shallow enough for kids to wade in, and there are tiny fish swimming in the water too. For Noah's very first school excursion, we hopped on the bus (a first for Noah) and trooped down to the park...

Bring along a hat, sun screen, sandals or slippers, t-shirt & shorts (and another extra set to change into after the activity), a small fishing net and a small tank (if you'd like to bring home your catch), and you're all ready to go.

Nathan was all ready to go fishing, while Noah wasn't all too keen on getting wet (initially). After some coaxing, Noah eventually got into the water. The water was clean (as clean as a mangrove swamp can be), and is shallow thru out, so it is pretty safe for kids.  I decided to let them walk in with their sandals as I wasn't sure if there's anything underneath that would hurt their feet... but there were some kids who decided to go barefooted and they were fine. :)

While everyone was busy trying to catch fish, Noah found an empty snail shell...


He busied himself by filling the shell with water, walking to the fish tank, and filling it up... He must've gone back and forth about 30+ times, and could've gone on if it wasn't time to wash up.

Nathan's t-shirt was all wet at the end of it, and he was pretty disappointed about not catching any fish. But the teachers did manage to catch some tiny ones, and they very kindly gave some to Nathan & Noah.

By tiny, I really mean tiny... the big fish swim too fast!

 All in all, it was a good experience for the kids. I have never been to Bishan Park before, and never knew such a swamp existed. Pack your gear and troop on down with the kids. I think they'll enjoy splashing around in the swamp. :)

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