Saturday, May 14, 2016

On Two Wheels

Noah has always been cautious... He'd not slide down from a slide that is too tall, ride on an amusement ride that's too fast, jump from a playground platform that is too high... He does not mind being the only kid sitting out because he is scared, even though everyone else is having fun playing with something he deems dangerous.

He'd rather walk than ride a bike or scoot, even though everyone else is on a bicycle or scooter. So for the longest time, he wasn't keen to learn how to cycle. Recently, I manage to cajole him to ride a balance bike. That was how Nathan learnt to cycle. We used the Kazam with Nathan. When he was confident cruising with a balance bike, we bought him a two wheeler... He needed some help starting off but had no problems balancing and keeping a straight course.

Kazam Balance Bike

With Noah, we got to try out the Kinderbike Morph Hybrid. The Kinderbike is a balance bike that can be converted to a two wheeler. No need to get a new bicycle when the child is ready to transit. Perfect!

At a weight of about 3kg, it is perfect for 3 to 6 year olds who are learning to cycle. The saddle height and handlebar heights are adjustable, making it a bike that grows with your child.

Kinderbike Morph Hybrid

When the child is fairly adept at crusing with the Kinderbike, add the pedals and get him riding on two wheels... I think the fact that it is still the same bike (with pedals added) gives the child that added confidence. Noah was hesitant when I told him that we will be trying to ride on two wheels like his big brother. But when he saw that we were still using the same bike that he has been using (in balance bike mode), he was not afraid to try with the pedals. He still needs us to run alongside him when he cycles, but it is a big step forward for him, thanks to Kinderbike!

You can get your Kinderbikes from tikes N bikes.  

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