Friday, March 14, 2014

Some things I want to do in 2014

I wrote down a list of things to do last year, and that was helpful in helping me organise what I consider the important things to do, amidst all the urgent but not necessarily important things that scream for my attention everyday. So I decided to write another list this year.

A quarter of the year has gone by... and I've just managed to churn out this list that I've been meaning to write since the beginning of the year. But with both kids in school this year, and differing schedules that I need to juggle, the month of January whizzed by before I knew it. Then February came around, when we were busy with CNY and birthday celebrations. Before I know it, we are now on the last day of term 1. Here goes...

1) Exercise. I have pretty much gotten myself into a gym routine. Target is twice a week. Aim is to drop my body fat percentage. I.NEED.TO.EXERCISE.

2) Read. To spend less time on social media and more time reading 'proper' books. Didn't make much progress with this last year. I think I'd better start by stacking the books that I want to read on my bedside table so they'll scream out at me. On another note, maybe I should move onto e-books instead. I much prefer reading things off my iPad. Or maybe I should get myself a kindle?

3) Less time on my iphone. I find myself spending lots of time fiddling with my phone even when I am with the kids... most of the time, it happens when I'm waiting for them to finish their food / milk etc. Would like to make a conscious effort not to take my phone out so much when I am with them, as it is not a habit I'd like them to pick up. Without this distraction, we can possibly spend more time in meaningful conversation.

4) Skill. Pick up a new skill or hone an old one.

5) Business. There are some ideas brewing in my head... I need to act on them.

6) Blog. Other than just documenting milestones and writing occasional reviews, I hope to look into sharing ideas/resources that has worked for me as I go about teaching my boys.

7) Travel. Plan another holiday for the family. More than just seeing a new place, the time away from our respective schedules/routines was good for us to slow down, unwind and just enjoy one another's company.

8) Nurture. To continue bringing up Nathan & Noah in the way of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6). Christian education, character building.

9) Love. To continue nurturing our marriage. With Dean's long days at work, and me just tired out after another day as a SHM, very often, we just retreat in front of our respective screens (TV, ipad, computer) to unwind. It'll be nice to spend more time talking to each other rather than staring at our respective screens. *A repeat from 2013, but definitely something that we have to work on continuously. For our love forms the bedrock of our marriage.

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