Monday, May 13, 2013


Habitat for Humanity Singapore is currently running the hope-bricklet project where you can buy a small brick-making kit for $10, make the bricklet at home, send it back to Habitat for them to embed it in an actual house built by Habitat volunteers. Now and then, I will tell Nathan that we are blessed in so many ways and there are so many people in the world who do not have the basic necessities for life, much less the luxuries that we enjoy. I thought this little hands-on activity was a good way to remind him and a small way that we can help the less fortunate.

I bought the brick-making kits online and they were delivered to my house promptly. The enclosed instructions are easy to follow, and simple enough for a toddler (with some help from mommy).


Cement powder

Cardboard for making the mould

Folding the box

Staple the ends together to make boxes that are used as moulds

Add water & stir

Completed bricklets
Stamped & addressed envelope is enclosed for you to send the completed bricklet to Habitat

You can find out more about the hope-bricklet and purchase your kits here. Everything that is required to make the bricklets (except water) is included in the kit.


  1. What a neat idea! Thanks for sharing!

    1. mummybean, do try it with your kids. I think they'll have fun making bricks and learning about the needs of people living in other parts of the world.

  2. This is a great idea for kids. I think they would make good party packs for birthdays too, instead of giving sweets and more stationery! This would be much more meaningful!

    1. Agy, great idea! I think these would make good party packs too! Kinda like a gift that keeps giving. :)
