Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Noah's Birth Story

Noah joined our little family of 3 on 1 March 2011... and now we are 4!

Daddy left for a business trip on Sunday, 28 Feb. Nathan and I went to the airport to send him off. Prior to that, Dr Han said that I can deliver any time. That got me really worried. Two weeks ago, during the routine visit, she said not likely to deliver so soon, and that it should be ok for Dean to go on his trip as long as he doesn't extend his stay. Then two days before the trip, she says anytime. By then, all the trip arrangements have been made. So we decided to just go ahead as planned.

I teared as we said our goodbyes at the departure gate. "Why mommy? Just 3 days...", Dean asked. Told him that I was really worried that I'd go into labour when he's away. That I wouldn't know what to do with Nathan, cos I really didn't want Nathan to wake up one morning and realise that mommy and daddy wasn't at home with him. Dean assured me that he'd be contactable and would rush back if needed.

On Monday, when sending Nathan to school, we thanked God (we prayed in the car like we always do) that we made it past the first night without daddy. We managed to speak to daddy over Skype the night before, and Nathan was real glad to be able to see daddy on mommy's iphone screen for a brief moment. Then in the evening, when we got home, I was so glad, cos we are closer to having daddy home. It was nice to be able to communicate thru Skype calls while Dean was away. It was like the good old days once again. We chatted for a bit that night. He was showing me the stuff that he bought, and told me that the training was not too bad, but that he had a lot of work to clear. We ended the call early so that he could get on with his work.

That night, 1 March 2011, at about 2am, I felt a gush of water. Think my water bag was leaking. With Nathan, that was also the first sign of labour. I prayed that the leaking would stop, and that Noah will wait till Thursday when Dean would be back. But I felt a few more gushes. It was for real. I finally decided to call Dean. at 2.55am I felt a lot better when I heard his voice over the phone. Was telling him that I intended to wait till morning... to send Nathan to school, before making my way to the hospital. But Dean insisted that I get my parents over, and go immediately. After all, Dr Han did mention that she wants me in the hospital within an hour if my waters break. Meanwhile, he assured me that he'd call Amex and find the quickest way back home.

I called my mom, but she didn't answer her phone. Called my dad, he answered and I asked for my mom. Told her that Dean wasn't home, and that I need her over right away. While waiting for my mom and dad, I took a shower and packed my hospital bag. Checked thru Nathan's school bag, and wrote down some instructions for my mom - Nathan's feeding times and how much he usually drank etc. Briefed my mum when she arrived - where Nathan's milk powder, milk bottles, diapers etc were kept, what time he's expected to wake up etc. Told her to send him to school after his milk feed. Didn't want to disrupt Nathan's routine as much as possible. When all that was done, my dad sent me to the hospital.

4.25am Arrived at Raffles Hospital. Hooked up to baby heart rate monitoring machine.

4.45am Contractions 9 min apart. VE revealed that I was 3cm dilated. Enema administered.

After all the admin was done, I spent some time reading the Bible passage on Noah's ark. Prayed that Noah will be strong and healthy, and that he'd be a righteous man who will find favor with God and man. Prayed that Dean and I will be good parents to Nathan and Noah, teaching them to walk in God's way, and grow up to be men of honor, wisdom and grace.

Tried to get some sleep, but couldn't really fall asleep. All the while, was in touch with Dean thru SMSes. He managed to get his flight changed to the first one in the morning, and would touch down in Singapore at about noon.

7.10am Dr Han came in to check on me. VE - 3.5cm dilated. She said my water bag had burst and she ordered for a blood test to be done to make sure that I do not have any infection. Said if I don't deliver by 2pm, she will induce me. Wanted me to deliver by this evening, to prevent any risks to baby. I teared. Was worried for Noah cos I was told that there's a risk of infection since my waters had broken. I teared. Dr Han saw me tearing and asked me why I've been so emotional thru this whole pregnancy. She said not to worry too much and to just hope for a smooth and quick delivery.

Nurse puts a drip device on my arm and draws a huge tube of blood. Thereafter, she drips me with water to keep me hydrated.

10am Breakfast is served. Chwee kueh, milo and watermelon, plus a cup of apple juice which I saved for later.

11am Nurse says that one of the blood tests indicated that I have an infection. Antibiotics administered so that baby won't have any infection. I didn't know what the implications are. Just prayed that Noah would be strong and healthy, delivery will be smooth, quick and painfree, and that Dean would be kept safe as he traveled.

11.12am Contractions still far apart. Drug administered to induce contractions. Turns out that the swab test done during my last visit to Dr Han also showed that I'm positive for strep B. So Dr Han wanted to speed up labour. Any antibiotic was given.

11.45am Went to pee. Contractions about 3 to 4 min apart, 30 seconds in duration.

11.49am Dean landed at Changi Airport. Contractions about 2+ min apart. Pain intensity increased, but still bearable.

12.18pm Contractions 2 min apart.

12.30pm Dr Han came in. Said that my water bag probably burst because there was some clinical indection. Blood test result was borderline. Will not affect baby, so long as I deliver within the next 12 to 18 hours. She asked when Dean would arrive. I told her that he was in a cab on the way to the hospital. She said he'd be in time for Noah.

12.50pm Dean arrived. Mommy's glad.

Pain becomes more and more intense. Asked nurse to standby ethanox.

1.13pm 5cm dilated. Asked for pethidine.

I really struggled with the last bit of contractions. Was getting high on ethanox and the pethidine didn't seem to relieve the pain. I was even thinking if I should ask for epidural. As I contemplated, I heard Dr Han's voice. So glad. She came in, says I'm fully dilated, and that when the next contractions came, I can push. Think I pushed about 3 to 5 times. Very hard. Noah was board at 2.11pm, 2.81kg, 49cm. Praise God! Phew! So glad it is over.

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