Nathan turns 3 today. We celebrated his birthday (2 days early) with loved ones and friends at Happy Willow. After considering and checking out 2 other venues, I knew that Happy Willow will be the perfect place for his party, and I was right! The playground was big enough for the 3 year olds, and yet small enough that that parents could see what the kids were up to without having to tire ourselves out climbing up and down and thru the tunnels with them. There was also a play area for the younger kids and Noah enjoyed playing with the trains and tool bench. The party room was nice and cosy, and the food was yummy. Kids' food was catered from Pasta Mania and the adults' food was catered from E-Sarn Thai.
The birthday boy and his friends had so much fun! The big smiles I saw and the laughters I heard that day made all the effort I put into planning this party all so worth it. Special thanks to all the staff from Happy Willow for making this birthday extra special... for being so accommodating and patient with us, especially when the birthday cake was delivered late. Nathan still talks about his birthday party at Happy Willow, and I am certain that this is a happy memory that will stick. :)
Dear Nathan, you are growing up so quickly and I although I really like having a big boy, I do miss the baby you. You've brought us so much joy and we continue to pray that you will grow up being a man who will honor God and remember His grace.
Thanks to all for popping by and having fun with us. Nathan's birthday celebrations wouldn't have been so special without your presence. :)
Some random facts about Nathan at 3...
1) Still sucks his thumb when he sleeps, and needs to have Colin with him in bed.
2) Likes to drink soup, hates vegetables. Favorite colour is yellow, likes "red car with eyes" (Lightning McQueen), loves going out to do fun stuff.
3) Enjoys feeding the fishes at the Botanical Gardens.
4) Some of his favorite songs are Jesus loves me, Jesus loves the little children, Deep & wide, Give me oil in my lamb, One People One Nation One Singapore, National Anthem.
5) Recognises / reads over 80 Chinese words.
6) Counts to 20... but after 10, he goes in increments of 2. And to him, 5 is a lot.
7) Knows Sesame Street, Madagascar, Sponge Bob, Superman, Spiderman.
8) Likes going to McDonalds... he actually calls it O-McDonalds.
9) Loves coconuts... 公公 did you buy coconuts today?
10) Has a good memory. Remembers details and can relate stuff we did months back.
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