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Mommy's favorite photo of us from the trip |
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Nathan relaxing at the beach |
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Fast asleep by the pool |
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Watching the sunset with daddy |
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Nathan's first plane ride |
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Mommy's favorite photo of us from the trip |
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Nathan relaxing at the beach |
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Fast asleep by the pool |
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Watching the sunset with daddy |
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Nathan's first plane ride |
We are one month away from your 1st birthday! Mommy’s been thinking of getting a cake shaped as a number “1” for your first birthday. I’ve also ordered some party hats and party deco from a spree. We’re thinking of having a small luncheon with immediate family members to celebrate your 1st birthday. How fun! The last 11 months have been a blast!
You continue to crawl and cruise… haven’t taken your first steps as yet. Recently, you climbed up the steps in our house, and made your way up to level 2 all by your own. Hmm… do we need to get a safety gate for the stairs?
Now that you are better at cruising / standing, you enjoy checking out the items on our shelves. You are really good at tiptoeing and reaching out for stuff that we intentionally place out of your reach. Seems like you prefer playing with all these ‘forbidden’ items more than your toys.
You’ve also grown a little bit more. Since you are now able to fit into some of the hand-me-down berms / pants, you’ve started wearing them over your rompers when we go out. Makes you look more grown up.
You succeeded in drinking water from a straw mug at 10.5 months. Mommy’s glad, cos it’ll be much easier to get you to drink more water. It took a while to get you to drink from a straw. We’ve showed you how the straw mug works, and gotten you to try drinking from it. You didn’t quite get it initially, and was more interested in playing with the straw. One day, Daddy was having dinner while mommy went to take a shower. You kept daddy company at the dinner table, and was playing with your straw mug as usual. Then you succeeded. Credits to daddy for teaching you to drink from a straw.
We went to check out the
We also checked out Fidgets. And because you are under 1, we all get to go in for free. The play area for children your age is pretty small. Nonetheless, you enjoyed riding in the Little Tikes cars and also enjoyed playing in the ball pit. Mommy’s looking forward to checking out more places with you now that you are older, and can appreciate your surroundings more. Maybe we’ll bring you to the zoo when you are a little older.
Meanwhile, you continue to bring us so much joy. As much as I look forward to having you walk and talk soon, I already miss the months that have gone by.
Lots of love,
Dear Nathan,
You are now 10 months old… Mommy can’t believe that you are growing up so quickly. You can crawl and cruise very well, and I’m guessing you’d be walking soon. You enjoy cruising with the sofa as support, or with your push walkers. Sometimes, you’d hold onto your high chair leg/s and drag it around the house, making lots of creaking sounds as you walk. You now protest when we take away an object that you are fiddling with, or try to put you in your cot when you don’t want to. It’s nice that you can now express yourself somewhat. You say ‘mo mo mo’ when you want more snacks and you’ve also been saying “ma ma mom me mo mi…”, which sounds like “mommy, I want more milk”.
We went on our very first holiday as a little family of 3. It was a short getaway to celebrate mommy and daddy’s wedding anniversary, and also a test of sorts to how you’d take to traveling. We spent 3 days, 2 nights at Sentosa. You enjoyed crawling all over the king sized bed in the the hotel, and was attentive when we walked around Resorts World, and went to visit some attractions on the island. We went to the Underwater World,
You continue to bring us so much joy! Love you loads!
Hugs & kisses,
Dear Nathan,
You are now 7 months old.
You got mommy and daddy really worried when you contracted HFMD. After your jabs, you developed a fever, which was pretty usual. The fever was gone after a couple of doses of paracetamol, so we didn’t think much of it. Mommy’s friend, whose son just started attending the same infant care centre as you called mommy when I was at work. She said that her son has contracted HFMD and asked that we consider not sending you to school. However, I’ve already sent you to school that day. Coincidentally, the day before the phone call was centre closure day. So when mommy called the school, I was informed that they’ve just done a thorough cleaning during closure day, and that they’d continue to monitor the situation and do another round of cleaning. I didn’t see any point in bringing you home, since we were already halfway thru the day, and you were still behaving as usual.
When I picked you up on Friday, I noticed a small red bump on your thigh, which looked like a mosquito bite. Didn’t think much of it. The weekend went by as usual, and you had no symptoms.
On Monday, teacher Noi called about half an hour after I dropped you off at school. She noticed the same red bump on your thigh, and insisted that we brought you to the doctor. Mommy took you to see uncle EK, who said it looks like an insect bite. Besides, you had no fever, no ulcers, and no other spots. He wrote a ‘fit for school’ letter, and I took you back to school.
On Tuesday, it was business as usual. I sent you to school in the morning. That afternoon, the school called to say that you have a fever, and more spots. I got really worried, as now it really looks like you’ve developed HFMD. As uncle EK’s clinic was already closed by the time mommy picked you up, we waited till the next day before seeing him. He confirmed that you had HFMD. You had a small ulcer in your mouth, some spots around your ankles, some spots on your hands, and some on your bum. He prescribed some numbing drops for your ulcer, and asked us to use paracetamol to control your fever (if any). With that, you had to stay home till the spots disappeared, estimated to take about a week. Uncle EK says you’d be fit for school the following Tuesday.
Meanwhile, mommy had a really bad throat and a slight fever. The doctor, on hearing that you had HFMD, says that mommy could have contracted the same, though he wasn’t sure. Nonetheless, he gave me 3 days MC. Worked out nicely. Mommy could stay home with you without taking leave.
To mommy and daddy’s delight, HFMD hardly caused you any discomfort. The fever on Tuesday went down after a dose of paracetamol. After that, you had no more fever for the rest of the time. You were able to feed well, sleep well and was alert and active as usual. You woke up once or twice during the night, but was able to fall back to sleep after mommy/daddy cuddled you for a bit. We enjoyed our time at home. Meanwhile, spots started appearing on mommy’s hand and foot. So I was pretty sure that I had some degree of HFMD too. I went to see the doctor again on Monday, and was asked to stay home till the spots disappeared. Worked out perfectly, as you were only supposed to return to school on Tuesday.
HFMD aside, you are now able to hold your own milk bottle and do a good job of holding it high. You are also able to sit pretty well (don’t need to support yourself with your hands anymore), and your bottom 2 teeth have appeared… very sharp teeth if I might add.
That's a photo of you gnawing on a teething biscuit for the very first time. We've started putting you on a high chair when we eat at restaurants. I think you much prefer that since you get a better view. With your teeth, you’ve bitten mommy a few times when I was feeding you. I’ve pulled away and scolded you, and though I’m pretty certain you understood mommy when I said ‘no biting’, you still sneakily try to do it again… and again… and wait to watch my reaction. I think this is also the first time I’ve scolded you for doing something wrong. I said a firm ‘no’ and told you it was painful. You bit your lip and cried. I gave you a big hug, and said it’s ok, and not to do it again. You’d continue suckling, then you’d try again. Very cheeky!
We thank God that this episode of HFMD was pretty mild, and that you were spared from the discomfort. Mommy’s also thankful that we got to spend some mom n babe time together while we were home recovering. We continue to pray that you’d feed well, sleep well, grow up strong and healthy.
You continue to bring so much joy to mommy and daddy. We love you loads.
Hugs & kisses,
I just finished reading this book, and thought that it's a real good read for moms returning to work. I felt comforted just knowing that there were other moms who've gone thru the same, and that my reactions were 'normal'. Reactions like crying the first time I left Nathan at the infant care centre, thinking about him the whole time I'm at work, worrying about whether I'm pumping enough milk for his feeds the next day, wanting to hold him and nurse him when the weekend comes around so that I can still have the intimacy with him... putting up with having to lug his bottles and my breast pump to work, having to find time to pump at work...
I actually finished reading the entire book over the weekend when Nathan was sleeping, or when I was feeding him. If you are a new mom, intending to breastfeed when you returning to work, do pick up this book. I couldn't find it in the major bookstores in Singapore, but managed to order a copy from Book Depository. By the way, I've found that books are generally cheaper from Books Depot, even after they factor in the free shipping worldwide. So far, the books I ordered arrive within a week.
Nathan started going to the infant care centre yesterday. I had to lug his bag (which has his clothes, towels, teddy bear etc.), his milk bag and my big bag (with pumping essentials) and carry him at the same time. Think my arm muscles are getting stronger as he grows.
The day started off with free play followed by his first milk feed. I let the teacher feed him for the first time, and thankfully it was a non issue. He finished the whole bottle real quick as usual. Then they had hello time when they took turns to say hello to each other in song. His usual bath time followed. He fussed a bit during bath time. I suppose he still prefers his bath tub at home. After a bit more play, it was time for his first morning nap. I put him in his designated cot, which had his cot sheets, blanket, bean pillow and teddy bear brought from home. He started sucking his thumb, and was falling off to sleep when I told him that I’d be leaving for work, and will be picking him up later in the evening. I couldn’t hold back my tears when I kissed him goodbye. My boy has grown up that little bit more. As much as I’m happy that we’ve hit another milestone, I’m also missing the journey we took over the last 5+ months.
He was happy to see me when I picked him up in the evening. Felt so good to hold him, kiss him and smell him after a long day’s work. He seems to enjoy his time there, playing with new toys, standing in front of the mirror holding onto the handle bars (think mirrors at ballet studios, just that it is built for his height), interacting with his new teachers and friends. He had no problems feeding and sleeping in the new environment. In fact, he took a real long afternoon nap. Probably cos of the lack of afternoon naps on Saturday and Sunday when we’d usually take him out.
The little kids there are really socialable, and this is something that Dean and I thought would be good for him. Even though quitting my job to stay home to look after Nathan full-time is an option we can consider, we thought that sending him to the infant care centre is a good option. The social interaction would do him good. I also like the fact that they have structured activities to occupy the young ones. Am hoping that I’d be able to get a more flexible work arrangement. Then we’ll be able to have the best of both worlds – Nathan can spend some time at the infant care centre, and some time at home with mommy, and mommy can still stay in touch with the working world. Shall continue praying, waiting and trusting God for this.
Nathan tries to eat the very hungry caterpillar
Nathan enjoying his bottle of milk