Dear Noah, you are two years old! Unlike your 哥哥, mommy wasn't able to write monthly reflections about you growing up in your first year. I wasn't able to take proper maternity leave, and had to look after you while working from home from the time you were 3 months old. Each time you took your naps, I was rushing some work or other. By night, I would be tired out, and blogging would really be the last thing on my mind. Well, two years have zoomed by... I had to hold back tears while singing your birthday song this morning at school. On one hand, I am so glad and thankful that you're growing older, but on the other hand, I can't bear to have you grow so quickly!

I am glad that you get along well with your brother (most times) and you'd often ask where 'tor tor' was when you first wake up. This morning, when I went to school with your birthday cake so you can celebrate your birthday with your friends, kor kor wasn't there because he had to be in school as well... you actually asked me where kor kor was, and whether we could go and pick kor kor up.
I love watching kor kor helping you with your shoes, with fixing a toy etc... you'd be real patient, letting him help, and thanking him thereafter.
You enjoy going to the toy shops and trying out items on the shelves. You are content with just playing with the toys at the shop, and have never bugged us to buy anything for you.
Your favourite toys are typically musical instruments... guitar, drums and basically stuff that play music and makes lots of noise. You enjoy bobbing along to the music, singing along and also pretending that you are playing in a band. Recently, you saw someone playing the violin and the next day, you took your toy guitar and put it between your shoulder & chin, pretending that it was a violin. Was pretty amused by your ability to improvise.
You love trains and ride-on toys... and you have this ability to hold on to a toy for a really long time. That's you at a friend's party at Happy Elves. You found the knife at the cooking corner, and held on to it the whole time (almost) you were at the party... making you look like a car thief in the photo below.
I like that you are able to stick at a task and be rather focused especially if it is something that interests you... Your favourite song has been "Baa Baa Black Sheep" for the longest time, and you are also able to sing a good part of the National Anthem, Jesus Loves Me, Walk Walk Walk Walk in the Light, Celebrate & Sing, and a few other songs we frequently sing in church.
You started talking a lot when you were about 18 months, and is well able to tell us what you want. You are also very capable of expressing your displeasure.
You are quite cheeky, and enjoy making us laugh.
You love to eat, you can eat almost anything and you love FRIED CHICKEN. You love ice cream and Yakult. You love Buzz Lightyear. A few months back, you start having opinions about what you want to wear... your brother on the other hand wears anything I pick out for him, even now when he's 3+. That makes you a vain pot. You sleep well, and haven't given us much trouble, even though you're more bossy than your brother. You fuss when you don't get your way, and can be quite stubborn at times.
In recent times, you have taken a liking to books, and often pick up a book, demanding that we 'read'! You don't always sit thru a book though. I hope you'd get better at this in the near future.
It has been a good two years. Daddy and I are thankful for you, for you've brought us so much joy and added so much to our family. We are looking forward to many good years ahead, and continue to pray that you'll grow up strong & healthy, and be a man who'll honour God and remember His grace.