Dear Nathan,
You are now one-and-a half and you've brought us so much joy since you entered our lives. You have a ready smile for us, are cheeky at times, and you have never failed to amuse us with your new 'tricks'.
You continue to enjoy school, and hardly fuss when we drop you off. Some Mondays, you'd cry when mommy drops you, and that really breaks my heart. But when I see you playing happily with your friends when I pick you up, or running to me with a big wide grin on your face when I get you, I know that you enjoyed your day at school, and that makes me feel a lot better. I hear that you enjoy playground time, and would sometimes get upset when it's time to go back indoors again. Next month, you'd 'graduate' from the infant group, and join the older kids in play group. Mommy hopes that you'll settle down well, and enjoy the time of learning and playing with your new teachers and friends.
You enjoy reading a lot more, and are able to point to pictures when we ask you to. Sometimes, you amuse us when you start doing actions to specific words / songs. Like when you see a picture of a 'scary fish' in your book, you'd pat your chest, indicating 'scared'. Then when I played you the 'Ten Little Indian Boys' song on my iphone, you started doing the actions to that song. In recent times, you can fill in the words to songs like 'Twinkle twinkle' and 'Old MacDonald's'. It's so cute to hear you sing.
You know quite a good number of words, but we find that you are pretty shy when it comes to talking in front of strangers. You are able to understand / obey instructions, and are also able to indicate your wants either through words / actions. The words that you can say include: duck-duck, dog, bear, drop, take, that, bubbles, flower, nana (for banana), bird, daddy, mommy... and the ones you understand and can respond with the appropriate actions include: wait, roar, lion, pray, sleep, snack, go, book, keys, shoes, socks, where, school, five, clock... You are able to point to your body parts like head, hair, eyes, nose, ear, mouth, tongue, knee, elbow... We've been teaching you to thank God before each meal, and it was so heart warming when one day, you bowed your head and clasped your hands together, when daddy said grace. We look forward to having you string words together, telling us about your day at school and leading us in thanking God for His abundant provisions for our family in the near future.
You are able to walk steadily since 13 months, and enjoy running around with daddy. I love to hear your chuckles as you try to run after daddy in your little father & son game of hide-and-seek. We've also taken you kite flying at Marina Barrage, where you got to run around in the field. Kite flying all started when we were reading your Sesame Street ABC/123 book. Each time we came to the letter 'K', you'd stand up, raise your arms above your head, as if you were flying a kite, like the Sesame Street Characters in the book. Mommy decided to get you a real kite, so you'd get to experience the real thing. After a long and tiring week at work, mommy looks forward to fun times as such... simple activities, simple joys with mommy's favorite boys.
We've gone on 2 more mini holidays with you in tow. One at Amara Sanctuary Resort (Sentosa), and another at Marina Bay Sands. We've a lot more to pack in our luggages with you around, and we've got to plan our schedules around your nap times. But you are generally an easy traveler, and holidays are so much more fun with you around. We've started visiting 'old' attractions like the Bird Park, Zoo and Sentosa... places that mommy and daddy haven't been to in a long time. We enjoyed splish-splashing at the MBS sky pool, even though the water was so cold!
About a week before you turned 18th months old, we welcomed your baby brother into our family. You've been a really sweet kor kor thus far. Once, when Noah was crying, you went to get your bedtime bear to give it to him. It's so heart warming to see you wanting to comfort Noah with your favorite bear. Mommy and daddy hopes that as the two of you grow up, you'd find companionship in one another, and build each other up as you walk the straight and narrow path together as brothers. We wait for the day that Noah can play with you, and look forward to having both your laughters fill our home.
Mommy and daddy continue to pray that you'd grow to be a fine young man who'd love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Know that mommy and daddy loves you very much, and will always want the very best for you.
Hugs & kisses,