Dear Nathan,
You just turned one. We celebrated your birthday (which incidentally fell on Hari Raya - long weekend for us, yay!) with people who love you lots. Mommy's so glad that we've reached this milestone. Just can't believe that one year has flown by so quickly. I struggled with motherhood in the first month, and only really enjoyed being a mommy from 1.5 months onwards. It's been such a joy watching you grow up, and daddy and mommy are so thankful that you've come into our lives. We got you a Thomas the Train cake which you got to taste. You didn't blow out your birthday candle yourself... maybe next year. Mommy had to hold back tears while we sang your birthday song (first in English, then in Mandarin, followed by the 'how old are you' chorus). I think it was a mixture of feelings - one of joy, and also one of missing the year that has gone by) Daddy got you a Lil Engineer play set, while mommy got you a Little Tikes Little People play set. You are able to play by yourself these days, though most times, you still prefer to have mommy/daddy's company.

The day after your birthday was IBM Day @ the Zoo. It was a lovely family outing where we went about identifying the animals found in your 'Monkey See, Monkey Zoo' book. Would've been more comfortable if it was less humid. But we had fun nonetheless.
Looking forward to many more great years with you. We continue to pray that you'll grow up to be a man who'll honour God and remember His grace. Mommy and daddy love you loads!
Hugs & kisses,
You just turned one. We celebrated your birthday (which incidentally fell on Hari Raya - long weekend for us, yay!) with people who love you lots. Mommy's so glad that we've reached this milestone. Just can't believe that one year has flown by so quickly. I struggled with motherhood in the first month, and only really enjoyed being a mommy from 1.5 months onwards. It's been such a joy watching you grow up, and daddy and mommy are so thankful that you've come into our lives. We got you a Thomas the Train cake which you got to taste. You didn't blow out your birthday candle yourself... maybe next year. Mommy had to hold back tears while we sang your birthday song (first in English, then in Mandarin, followed by the 'how old are you' chorus). I think it was a mixture of feelings - one of joy, and also one of missing the year that has gone by) Daddy got you a Lil Engineer play set, while mommy got you a Little Tikes Little People play set. You are able to play by yourself these days, though most times, you still prefer to have mommy/daddy's company.

The day after your birthday was IBM Day @ the Zoo. It was a lovely family outing where we went about identifying the animals found in your 'Monkey See, Monkey Zoo' book. Would've been more comfortable if it was less humid. But we had fun nonetheless.
Looking forward to many more great years with you. We continue to pray that you'll grow up to be a man who'll honour God and remember His grace. Mommy and daddy love you loads!
Hugs & kisses,