Because of Nathan, I get to celebrate Mother’s Day. I’m so thankful that God has given me this babe, and continue to pray that I’d be a good mommy. He’s brought me so much joy. I think God is using motherhood to mould me into a better someone. Nathan’s entrance into this world has turned our lives around 180 degrees, but Dean and I would not have it anyway else.
Nathan’s first month was rather difficult. The 3 hourly feeds thru the day meant that I couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours at any one time. Moreover, I had to figure out breastfeeding, his different cries, how he likes to be comforted, how to put him to sleep without rocking him too much lest he becomes dependent on rocking... Thereafter, I got to know him better, and caring for him got easier. Thankfully, he started sleeping thru the night at 3 months old, and both Dean and I got more rest. That gave us more energy to do more fun things during the day. I enjoy watching him grow day by day. Each time he reaches a new milestone, my heart fills up with joy, and also a tinge of sadness. Joy as he can finally do something that we’ve been teaching / helping him, and sadness cos he's grown that little bit more. A part of me is unwilling to have him grow up so fast I guess. I look forward to picking him up from school every day. I like standing at the door, peeping in to see what he’s up to. Seeing him smile as our eyes meet, gives me this warm and fuzzy feeling. I love playing with him, singing to him, cuddling up with him. His favorite game so far has to be peekaboo. Love it when he chuckles in response. Some nights, he’d wake up crying, probably from a bad dream. I always manage to drag myself out of bed, pick him up, hug him and tell him that all is well. I think God has given moms an extra portion of His strength, cos no matter how tired I am, I still find myself jumping out of bed the moment I hear his cries thru the monitor.
Dear Nathan, thanks for being the darling that you are. Mommy is so blessed to have you. Even on lousy days, just looking at you brings a smile to my face. I have truly seen God’s goodness in my life (more than ever) since the day you arrived. Thanks too for the pair of Frank Gehry earrings that you and daddy got for me. You and daddy are mommy’s favorite boys! Love you loads!