"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderfull, I know that full well." Psalm 139:4
We are now thinking of a name for our baby. For now, he's affectionately known as 'Baby'. Dean has been talking to him eversince I told him that according to what I've been reading, babies can hear us while they are in the womb, and we should start talking to them now. so they can recognise our voices. He has already decided that Baby will be attending ACJS and joining Scouts.
My tummy has started to show in recent weeks (around week 19). I read that my tummy line will increase by 1cm every week from now. Dean says he's not used to seeing me so big. I've started taking out the maternity outfits that my big sister passed to me. Great that I get to save some money here. We'll also probably be getting some pre-loved baby clothes from her. Thank God for big sisters.
We have to start clearing out the spare room, and turning it into a nursery. I suppose it'll be good to get this done before I hit the third trimester, when I'll have a bigger tummy to manage. Setting up the room will be fun!
We're praying that God will continue to watch over our little family of three, that the baby will grow strong and healthy, and that He'll prepare Dean and I for our journey ahead as parents.